Ok Girls are super but my biggest issue is it’s hard these days to find a girl who doesn’t hang out at night clubs and smoke their heads off.
It’s disappointing also to note that some girls only go by looks and not by voice or personality.
I’m determined when I find a girl, she’ll hopefully like what I like and also like westcoast coolers.
do they have westcoast coolers in Perth?
My draytek as I mentioned previously is good and my fine friend Adrian who’s worth 2 in the bush is going to help with the vpn configuration and should be commended for his hard work in helpdesk and given more meat to chew on.
Cheers adrian man and long live the cool hd guys and my great friend Mick Penno you know who you are man.
I’ll buy you some kfc mushies sorry mashies tomorrow.
Bianca informed me that there back bigger and better then ever. Taste a mushie mashie in your mouth today better then a headjob in a brothle.