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Month: January 2005

A relaxing day today

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Ok today i’m having a nice easy relaxing Sunday.

So far today i’ve slept in till 9 30, had a late breakfast which consisted of some pancakes with jam.
After this I chatted with the boys in the states and configured a Netcomm nb3 modem router up just to get used to it’s settings.

Hopefully this should now be fine.

Last nights dinner was absolutely supurb.
We had gougees, spring rolls, chicken rolls, chicken and little frankfurts.
Very nice and we had a ball.
The beer was flowing and the ice cream for desert was so cool.

Thanks to Murray and his Mum and my Mum for supplying the food.

Will write more tomorrow afternoon after another day at work.

Hopefully it will be a great day with no idiots or dick heads calling.


A radio station to avoid like the plaigue

Posted in Uncategorized

Hi all.

I’d like to warn everyone who reads my fine journal not to listen or visit the web site of

There a complete shonky company and they take payments for a 128k service that never fucking works half the time.

I’m going to post here for everyone to read my last email to them and I hope everyone gets enjoyment reading it.

Fucking a useless scabby shoddy station never again to be listened to by me.

Here’s the email.

Hi There.

I’m writing to you concerning your 128k stream.

I paid 4 dollars 2 weeks ago to listen to your station for a month and since that time your 128k stream has been down.

What’s the problem with you guys, your always having some kind of technical issues with your 128k stream and your still excepting payments from customers who want to enjoy your fine stream.
I emailed you personally 2 weeks ago and got no reply what so ever.

That’s not what I call good customer service so if you care about your loyal customers, at least make the effort to reply to your feedback email address.

Actually better yet, take your 128k stream off the bitpass share section of the site and not accept anymore payments till you get your issues sorted out.

It’s an absolute disgrace you can just take money from people and not provide a service.

You should feel absolutely ashamed of your shoddy practices and i’ll never listen to your streams again and i’ll never recommend your stream to any of my friends.

Thanks for no replies and thanks for an absolutely useless fucked up stream that half the time never works.

Actually while your at itk, take your shoddy 128k stream and shov it right up your fucking arse.

Also i’ll be taking you to the better business bureau for shonky practices.

The weekend is finally here

Posted in Uncategorized

You bloody beauty.

The weekend is finally here and I can relax and rage man.
Am going over to a friend’s tomorrow night for some chicken gougees dim sims spring rolls and some other cool food.

I’ll report on the food tomorrow night.

Also am going for a tandom ride sunday and Wednesday we’re having a mini bbq.

Nice sausages potatoe salad and some other cool stuff.

See ya all tomorrow night after the feast of life.

It’s getting better all the time

Posted in Helpdesk Related, and Uncategorized

Ok i’m awaiting the big day when we all move over to the new voice over ip phones.
I’m really getting shitty with the current phone system and would rather use the voip phones which are so cool.

All this new stuff to learn for hd is quite tiring but am enjoying the experience and as long as big Mick helps us out, we’ll be fine.

Again thanks to the other hd boys for there help and understanding during these hard and difficult times.
We still get real slack sloppy tarts who call but hey, anything is better then talking to an ignorarmous.

Today a client called up blasting us because we couldn’t control herp backspace key from the helpdesk.
She had about 50 spaces after her name and just wouldn’t accept the fact she was in the wrong. we ended up convincing her in the end but for fuck sake man, if you ring and know your wrong, just fucking admit your mistake and move on.
I really get heated when fucken morons just don’t get it.

the moral my friend’s is use your scone and keep on working.

also some great news is my tandom is finally ready fuck it’s only been 2 weeks since we took the bludger in for service.
We’ll be able to go for a ride again and I can’t wait.

Will see you all tomorrow with another great installment of my fantastic journal.

cheers big ears.

It’s a fucking joke

Posted in Helpdesk Related, and Uncategorized

Right tonight i’m absolutely pissed off cause there’s a client who shall remain nameless who’s simply wasting the helpdesks time.

This client was personally informed by me that I was taking care of the issue and would call her back.

No what does she do, she fucking herasses the helpdesk and wastes there time.

I’m not going to stand for idiots who simply won’t follow instructions.

I bent over backwards for this client and this is how she thanks me by fucking around with the hd.

Well it’s not good and i’m sick of it so i’m taking matters in to my own hands.

I’ll leave this issue unresolved for 2 months then decide at the end of that time what to do.

Your really pissed off journal writer

Fuck it’s not true is it?

Posted in Helpdesk Related, and Uncategorized

Ok it’s not true.

there are some actual nice customers out there. It’s very hard to believe but i’ve decided there are some nice customer’s around.

I’ve spoken to some of them today and they were quite cool.

I also had some real fuckers who wouldn’t know one end of a keyboard from the other.

One of them kept asking where the presss enter key was on there keyboard after I asked them to type in
del vip.386
and then presss enter.

Fuck people are so didiotic and have a brain the size of a pea.

fuck sometimes i’d love to tell them to fuck off and call back when they know how to type.

Some of them you can tell type with 1 finger and you wait for 45 seconds for them to type in a simple little thing like
or something like that.

I realize it’s rocket science and but come on it’s not fucking hard is it?
Sorry for a quarter of customer’s I speak to it’s way beyond them and i’m still surprised they can live and breathe and still work out how to pick up a phone and call the helpdesk.

Other then this, not much else to report today so will catch you all tomorrow.

Another day another dollar

Posted in Helpdesk Related, and Uncategorized

Ok today was quite a good day.

We’re all learning the new systems we need to use at work to support customers and it’s not going too bad.

Also the monitor of life is great and doesn’t fucking shake like the old piece of crap I had.

My Uncle now has it and he’s welcome to the fucken thing.

Other then this, not much else to report tonight.

Should have some more news tomorrow.

Roast lamb i love it

Posted in Food Related, and Uncategorized

OK today I ended up waking up around 09:12 am and I wanted to get up around 08:00 am.
I’d like to tahnk Tanya for calling and waking me up.

I then went on the treadmill like I do each morning and just sat around surfing the net and chatting to the boys in the states.

I also then went over to Murray’s home and had some roast lamb, potatoes, beans and pumpkin.

Very nice and the Cherry Pie was fabulous.
couldn’t have been better.

Tomorrow i’m picking up my flat pannel display and that should be cool.

I’ll write more about it tomorrow afternoon.

Another work day more customers and more systems to learn for helpdesk.

See ya all tomorrow.

The sweetest girls of all time

Posted in Food Related, and Uncategorized

Right it’s been months but now the updates will become more frequent each day.

Today was the absolutely coolest day around man.

I went to a good friend’s home and did a few jobs on his pc for him and chilled out with hotdogs and the eighties music.

Then I went over to a friend’s house and spent time with her and another cool chick.

Chicks are absolutely wonderful and should be respected.
I’ve heard about guys who treat women as sex objects and it gives guys who care about women a bad name.
I refuse to put up with fuckwits who slander guys and make them look mean nasty and like idiots.
I can safely say without any hesitation what so ever i’ve always treated a girl with respect and will always do so.

The fish and chips were fantastic and tomorrow i’m going out to another friend’s home for some roast lamb potatoes pees or peas fuck no idea how to spell it and some beer.

The moral in life, eat more meat and plenty of it.

Catch ya all round like a cheese dish.