Ok I’ve recieved a reply from a skhype moderator regarding access to the call menu in skype.
The more blind people who post there annoyances in the skype support forum, the better for all concerned.
Here’s the reply.
Hi there!
Chris Westbrook (a blind Skype user who recently made a post here about this issue),
an unnamed Skype staffer and I recently had a discussion about this. This issue is
definitely known and I’m sure Skype will recognize and fix it. Again, this is a BETA
and the Skype staff appreciate any and all feedback to try to make it better.
My suggestion to them was to make an “Accessible Mode” where the API as well as the
Skype client does everything without the eye-candy and better strings for text readers
such as Jaws to be able to read properly and maximize usability for disabled users.