Righto today back at work wasn’t as bad as I had expected it to be. It was enjoyable at least and as I said yesterday, it was great chatting to the girls.
I did however have an annoying customer who just wouldn’t except no for an answer. Basically his pc had spyware and shit all over it and we advised him to install ad aware and spybot. They didn’t seem to do much for him so I said unfortunately there’s nothing else I can do for you i’m sorry. He kept on asking things like i’ve got 2 flashing icons down near the bottom of the screen near the time. I said this has nothing to do with the problem you currently have on your pc. eventually after I told him 8 times that he’d need to see a computer tech about the problem, he excepted it.
That was really the only annoying call I had today.
Just finished dinner and it consisted of left overs from yesterday and it was quite delicious.
We’re having apple pie for desert tonight.
Just sitting here chatting to some cute Girls on the net so will get back to that and update this journal tomorrow.