Hi again fellow readers.
I’d like to report on an issue that’s dear to me and that issue is sesame and how it is one of the most useless ingreedients ever produced on this earth.
Basically thursday night I had a major attack cause of some damper rolls made by a certain bread company here in Australia and the sesame was hidden in the flour on the bottom layer of the damper roll. Now the bag itself that the rolls were in says may contain sesame. The problem is until the actual roll was toasted, the sesame was very difficult to see and for this i’m absolutely annoyed and pissed off with this certain company.
I ended up having to use my Adrenalin injection because my throat was closing over and it was getting hard to breathe. It worked by god but never having used one of these injections before I didn’t know what the side effects were going to be.
Man it was the most scariest night in my life. I had a rapid heart beat, limbs felt really heavy, I felt warm even though it was a cold night and I never want to go through that again.
The moral of the story is, stick to white bread and leave buns alone. I don’t give a shit what the packets say anymore i’m never eating another bun as long as I live on this earth my friends. That night if it wasn’t for my injection, who knows where i’d be now.
I’m greatful I have my friends, i’m extreemly greatful i’m still alive and fuck, appreciate your friends while you have them cause you have no idea how long your gonna live on this earth and that’s a true fact.